Tag Archives: pinjaman peribadi bank islam untuk pekerja swasta

Personal Loan/Pinjaman Peribadi Bank Islam – Year 2016

Bank Islam Personal Loan known as Personal Financing-i Facility. It provide secured or unsecured term financing to meet customer financial needs. It can be calculated as fixed rate or floating rate. The special of this Bank Islam Personal Financing-i Facility is it is applied with Syariah concept – “Tawarruq”.

Benefits to take Personal Loan with Bank Islam

  1.  a minimum loan of RM10,000 to maximum RM200,000 to be offer to customer. It can be more if secured with collateral. However, the final loan amount approved will be based on the bank’s credit evaluation.
  2. Flexible repayment back period can be 1 years to 10 years.
  3. Customer can choose either fixed rates or floating rates based on their favor.
  4.  There’s no guarator is required
  5. No deposit, processing fees and hidden charges.
  6. Competitive rate and fast approval.

Basic Requirement to apply Personal Financing-i Facility

  1. He/She must be a Malaysian.
  2. Applicant ages between 18 –  retired age
  3. Fixed salary with minimum of RM2,000 per month.
  4. Offer to Malaysian Public Sector employees only.

Documentations Requred

  1. Front & back of Identity Card (I/C)
  2. Latest 3 months salary slip
  3. Latest 3 months bank statement with salary credit account
  4. Latest 3 months EPF statement
  5. Employment confirmation letter (Offer Letter)

Profit Rates

1.Fixed Rates

  • from minimum 4.99% to 7.00% p.a. from 1 – 10 years

2.Floating Rates

  • Base Rate(3.90%) + 1.80% p.a. for 1- 3 years
  • Base Rate(3.90%) + 2.70% p.a. for 4-10 years

Repayment Table

bank islam schedule

How to Apply?

Please go to http://www.bankislam.com.my/home/ezxcess/ or any branches nearby for more information.